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About Me

I'm an engineer by trade from an ABET-accredited university. My formation gives me a solid knowledge of mathematics, engineering design, and project management. I have many years of experience implementing projects for small and large enterprise companies around LATAM.

Josue Fuentes

Right now, the change in technologies is faster than ever, which is why I'm always learning new technologies, methodologies, and practices. Transforming knowledge into value involves understanding the knowledge itself and how to apply it. Much of this is learned only through experience, but enterprise software tends to be more conservative, so side projects are a great way to gain experience.

I consider myself a fast learner with an openness to try new things and see how they can help me build value. I view the new AI era as an exciting moment to be alive, one that will disrupt many industries and create others. Therefore, I am keen to try and break things in order to catch up.